El milagro de la vid - Bodega Viejo Vinedo - Pelicula documental 1972

  • hace 4 años
The miracle of the vine
Film description: Plantation with bunches of grapes. Men on tractors working on the clearing and leveling of the land to place plantation of parasols. Men placing vineyards. Man pruning vine. Irrigation with water in the plantations. Technician performing a control with the meter. Men and women harvesting the grapes. Trucks transporting the grapes for processing. Men unloading the grapes from the trucks at the winery to be crushed. Camera image where the fermentation takes place. Men working in the cellar taking care of the fermentation. Agricultural technician working in laboratory. Tank truck of the Old Vineyard company entering the processing plant. Man loading the wine in bulk in the tank truck to be sent to the fractionation plants that the firm owns on the Argentine coast. Image of trucks circulating on the route. Truck crossing bridge. Men unloading wine at the fractionation plant. Glass containers passing by conveyor belt and machine packaging the wine in one-liter bottles. Crates with bottles of Viejo Viñedo wine are loaded onto trucks to be distributed on the coast. Image of people walking on the pedestrian street of Rosario, Santa Fe. General views of the flag monument, located in the city of Rosario next to the Parana river. Image of the suspension bridge over the Setubal lagoon in Santa Fe. Shots from a moving car entering, transiting and leaving the Hernandarias sub-fluvial tunnel, also transiting the provincial route. Railroad bridge image with advertising poster for Old Vineyard. Birds in flight across the field. Man on horse carrying a barrel in a cart through a village street. In front of the houses of a town. People riding through the field. General views of the ruins of San Ignacio, located 63 kilometers from Posadas, capital of the province of Misiones, on national route No. 12. Pajaro Tucan perched on the tree branch. Esteros del Ibera. Jangada of logs in the Parana river. Capybara eating in the field. Dirt road with vegetation. You take from a moving car crossing bridge. Men cutting down a tree and placing logs on a cart. General views of the Iguazu falls. Rain drops falling on the water. Gauchos herding cattle by field in Misiones. Reflection of the sun on the water. General views of a sunset over the Parana river.
Date: 1972
Duration: 22 minutes 37 seconds
Film code: F-00379

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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