The Sleepover Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Get ready for a sleepover like no other! During a fun weekend sleepover with their best friends, two siblings discover that their seemingly normal stay-at-home mom Margot (Malin Akerman) is actually a former high-end thief in the witness protection program. When both their mom and dad (Ken Marino) are kidnapped and forced to pull one last job with an ex-flame of Margot's (Joe Manganiello), the siblings must team up to rescue their parents over the course of one action-packed night that they'll never forget.
directed by Trish Sie
starring Sadie Stanley, Maxwell Simkins, Malin Akerman, Joe Manganiello, Ken Marino, Karla Souza, Enuka Okuma, Cree Cicchino, Jayden Bartels, Mallory James Mahoney, Dalila Bela
release date August 21, 2020 (on Netflix)
directed by Trish Sie
starring Sadie Stanley, Maxwell Simkins, Malin Akerman, Joe Manganiello, Ken Marino, Karla Souza, Enuka Okuma, Cree Cicchino, Jayden Bartels, Mallory James Mahoney, Dalila Bela
release date August 21, 2020 (on Netflix)
Short film