SOTA Magnetic Pulser - Flying Washer Demonstration

  • 4 years ago
Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. demonstrates how the pulsed magnetic field from the SOTA Magnetic Pulser causes a metal washer to fly through the air.

Originally presented in the late 1990's at a conference, Russ has recreated the demonstration here to clear up any misunderstandings about what the washer trick shows — it confirms the presence of the pulsed magnetic field; not the strength nor quality of the magnetic field, which would be measured by a Tesla Meter.

The SOTA Magnetic Pulser generates pulsed magnetic fields which create microcurrents of electricity that work with the body’s natural electricity for general health and well-being. It’s perfect for use in the comfort of your own home.

Discover more about the SOTA Magnetic Pulser at

More information about the SOTA Magnetic Pulser can be found here:

Or read the SOTA Magnetic Pulser User Guide:

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