Qing Wen: Films and Book Genres in Mandarin Chinese | Intermediate Lesson | ChinesePod

We often get asked about how to say different types of movie and literary genre. Just like in English, there are just so many, so today we give you a taste of some of these. Like in English, many of these genres can be paired together to form their own category of movie.

Let us know in the comments about all the other genres you like reading and watching.

Key Dialogue:
虚构vs写实 (xūgòu vs xiěshí) - fabrication v.s. realism (similar to fiction and non-fiction)
文学vs非文学 (wénxué vs fēiwénxué) - literature and non-literature
经济、旅游 (jīngjì、lǚyóu) - economics, travel
...片 (piàn) - film; movie
...小说 (xiǎoshuō) - novel
功夫片、武侠片、武侠小说 (gōngfupiàn、wǔxiápiàn、wǔxiá xiǎoshuō) - Kung Fu movie, martial arts movie, martial arts novel
科幻片、科幻小说 (kēhuànpiàn、kēhuànxiǎoshuō) - scifi movie, scifi novel
爱情片、爱情小说、言情小说 (àiqíng piān、àiqíngxiǎoshuō、yánqíngxiǎoshuō) - romance film, romance novel, romantic fiction
喜剧片、幽默文学 (xǐjùpiàn、yōumò wénxué) - comedy, humorous literature
恐怖片、恐怖小说 (kǒngbùpiānr、kǒngbù xiǎoshuō) - horror movie, horror novel
悬疑小说、悬疑片 (xuányí xiǎoshuō、xuányípiàn) - suspense novel, suspense film
惊悚片、惊悚小说 (jīngsǒngpiàn、jīngsǒng xiǎoshuō) - thriller, thriller novel
鬼片 (guǐpiānr) - ghost movie
动作片 (dòng zuò piàn) - action film
犯罪电影、警匪片 (fànzuì diànyǐng、jǐngfěipiàn) - crime movie, cop movie
侦探小说、推理小说、推理片、侦探片 (zhēntàn xiǎoshuō、tuīlǐ xiǎoshuō、tuīlǐpiàn、zhēntànpiàn) -detective novel, deductive novels, deductive films, detective movies
古装片、历史小说、架空历史小说 (gǔzhuāngpiàn、lìshǐ xiǎoshuō、jiàkònglìshǐ xiǎoshuō) - ancient Chinese period drama, historical novels, alternate history novels
穿越剧 (chuānyuèjù) - time travel dramas
文艺片、纯文学 (wényìpiān、chúnwénxué) - literary films, pure literature
传记片、纪录片、传记、传记小说 (zhuànjìpiàn、jìlù piàn、zhuànjì、zhuànjì xiǎoshuō) - biographical movies, documentary, biography, biographical novels
你喜欢看...(片)吗?(nǐ xǐhuan kàn . . .(piàn)ma?) - Do you like to to read/watch...?

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