Andrew Eborn Japan Special with Kisaburo Ishii, Japanese Ministry of Construction & Former Japanese Ambassador to Romania

  • 4 years ago
Andrew Eborn is joined by Kisaburo Ishii, Japanese Ministry of Construction & Former Japanese Ambassador to Romania.

Kisaburo Ishii has spent 30 years in urban planning and housing.Graduated from Tokyo University in 1979. Entered the Ministry of Construction and sent to Oxford University to study abroad. After returning home, Ishii san worked for the Ministry of Construction Main Office and Kinki Regional Development Bureau and engaged in supervising duties of urban government administration, road administration, housing administration and construction business. In 1998, he was dispatched to the Financial Reconstruction Commission to take charge of insolvency cases of financial institutions. After coming back, he held posts at Director of Housing Policy Division, City Planning Division, Urban Policy Division and National and Regional Planning Bureau General Affairs Division and  has been responsible for controlling overall policies as well as the barrier-free law as Director of Policy Division in Policy Bureau. Former Japanese  Ambassador to Romania.