Why you lost in clash royale #clash royale

  • 4 years ago
Published on 12 August 2020

In this video I show you why you lost in clash royale matches
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Clash Royale is a tower rush video game which pits players in games featuring two or four players (1v1 or 2v2) in which the objective is to destroy the most opposing towers, with the destruction of the "King's Tower" being an instantaneous win.[8] After three minutes, if both of the players/teams have an equal amount of crowns or none at all the match continues into a 2-minute overtime period and the player who destroys an opposing tower wins instantaneously. If no towers are destroyed during overtime, there is a tiebreaker, where all towers rapidly lose health, and the tower with the least health is destroyed. If two towers have the same health, there is a draw.[9] After an update in late 2018, leaving a 2v2 match multiple times prevents the player from playing 2v2 with random players for some time.
In Clash Royale, players are ranked by their number of trophies. Players level up by gaining Experience (or King Level) points through donating and upgrading cards. The highest possible level is level 13. The December 2018 Update added Star Points for excessive Experience when players reach level 13, and will award Star Points for previously leftover Experience.

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