• 5 years ago


00:12:11This is the police department. Where's Captain Kong's cabin?
00:12:14In the passenger, to the left.
00:12:16All right.
00:12:30Come in.
00:12:34Captain Kong?
00:12:36Yes, I'm Sergeant Davidson of the San Francisco Police.
00:12:39This is Mr. Charlie Chan.
00:12:41How do you do? I've heard of you, Mr. Chan.
00:12:43Flattered and overwhelmed.
00:12:45Won't you sit down?
00:12:51We're investigating the murder of a recent passenger of yours.
00:12:56Princess Mei Ling.
00:12:58The princess?
00:13:02I must cable her brother at once.
00:13:05Question, please.
00:13:07Who is his brother or princess?
00:13:09He is Field Marshal Chang She.
00:13:11Have you any idea what the princess was doing in this country?
00:13:14I imagine sightseeing.
00:13:16This was her first time in America.
00:13:19She was educated in Europe.
00:13:21Could any of your passengers have done it?
00:13:23I hardly think so.
00:13:26There were just a few.
00:13:28We have little accommodations.
00:13:31No one I can think of.
00:13:33Well, can you think of anything else that might help us, Captain Kong?
00:13:36I'm afraid not.
00:13:38Well, as a matter of record, I'd like to have a copy of your passenger list and crew.
00:13:41Certainly. That'll be easy. I have it here.
00:13:47Pardon, Captain Kelso.
00:13:59Thanks very much, Captain Kong.
00:14:01Not at all.
00:14:03Begging pardon to interrupt, but the ship very heavily guarded, no?
00:14:08Just natural precautions.
00:14:10We're loading valuable cargo for Orient.
00:14:12Oh, yes, of course.
00:14:14Thank you so much.
00:14:34Polite old devil, isn't he?
00:14:37My little father once said,
00:14:39Politeness, golden key to many doors.
00:14:42Well, I guess our next step is the princess' apartment.
00:15:03Who were they?
00:15:18The police.
00:15:20Isn't one of them a Chinese?
00:15:22Yes, Charlie Chan, my detective.
00:15:34What did they want?
00:15:36You ought to know.
00:15:38What do you mean?
00:15:39Why did you kill her, Kelso?
00:15:41Kill her? What are you talking about?
00:15:44I suppose you don't know the princess has been murdered.
00:15:49Yes. Why did you do it?
00:15:51You're crazy.
00:15:53I don't know anything about it.
00:15:54I haven't even seen the princess since yesterday afternoon.
00:15:58Did you get her check?
00:16:00How much?
00:16:02How about my share?
00:16:04Look here, Kelso.
00:16:05She chartered this boat to carry airplanes.
00:16:08I put her in contact with you.
00:16:10Told her that you had flown with her brother in China.
00:16:12I planned this whole deal.
00:16:14I know, I know.
00:16:15You'll get your share.
00:16:17Where's the money?
00:16:18It's in the bank.
00:16:19I'll see you at the bank in the morning.
00:16:22All right.
00:16:23Very clever.
00:16:24Killing princess.
00:16:28Very clever killing princess, Kong.
00:16:31No witnesses around to prove the airplanes had never been delivered.
00:16:35Or where the money went.
00:16:37You're pretty clever, Kong.
00:16:39Good night.
00:16:41I'll still see you at the bank at 10.
00:16:44Be there.
00:16:46I'll be there.
00:17:01I'll be there.
00:17:31I'll be there.
00:18:01I'll be there.
00:18:31I'll be there.
00:19:01Say, uh, what room is Princess Meiling?
00:19:20Next floor, front.
00:19:21Room 26.
00:19:31This is it.
00:19:44It's open.
00:20:04Afraid too late.
00:20:06Opportunity has flown on rapid wings.
00:20:08Yeah, somebody beat us to it.
00:20:10Perhaps I've overlooked something important.
00:20:19What's that?
00:20:20Traveler's checks.
00:20:21Exchange Specie Bank of Peking.
00:20:25Several thousand dollars.
00:20:49Come on, kid, what's the matter?
00:20:54Did you get him?
00:20:55Get who?
00:20:56Well, the man.
00:20:57The man that was ransacking the desk.
00:20:59What'd the guy look like?
00:21:00He was masked.
00:21:02As a murderer.
00:21:03Can you tell me what he looked like?
00:21:05He had an overcoat and a black hat.
00:21:07Oh, swell.
00:21:09How'd you get out of Chan's house?
00:21:11I asked Tommy for a cigarette and he didn't have any.
00:21:14So he went out to get one.
00:21:17Afraid unfortunate number two son not chip off ancient pluck.
00:21:21How did you get into this apartment?
00:21:23I found the key in the princess's purse.
00:21:27Seems Miss Cartwright inevitable decoration to scene.
00:21:31Yeah, and it was probably an antique, too.
00:21:33Oh, yes.
00:21:34Excellent rosewood.
00:21:35Many centuries old.
00:21:37Oh, Mr. Chan, I'm awfully sorry, but I had to get this story.
00:21:40I'll have the chair fixed and put it on my swindle sheet.
00:21:43Say, get this thing off of me.
00:21:45I've been wearing it long enough.
00:21:48What happened to you in there?
00:21:49Somebody knocked me out.
00:21:50Somebody knocked you out?
00:21:52That bag fell on your head.
00:21:54What a detective.
00:21:56Pardon, please, but gun does not belong with innocent face.
00:22:06Give me that gun, sister.
00:22:07This is a police.
00:22:09What is name, please?
00:22:11Lily May Wom.
00:22:12She's the maid to the princess.
00:22:13I saw her at the boat when they arrived.
00:22:15What time princess leave here?
00:22:18About 8 o'clock tonight.
00:22:19What has happened to her?
00:22:21How do you know something's happened?
00:22:23I don't know, but you are police.
00:22:25Something must have happened.
00:22:27Your mistress is dead.
00:22:29What do you know about it?
00:22:32I don't know anything.
00:22:34Nobody knows anything.
00:22:36Who visited apartment?
00:22:38She had no visitors.
00:22:41She made appointments downtown in some office.
00:22:44Nobody ever came here?
00:22:46No, no one except...
00:22:48Except who?
00:22:49Except a boy.
00:22:50What boy?
00:22:51A boy who lives in the basement.
00:22:57Is this the boy?
00:23:08Look, honey, we want to talk to you.
00:23:13The boy cannot speak.
00:23:14He's done.
00:23:15You mean, he's not alive?
00:23:20to you boy cannot speak he is done you mean princess was friendly with him yes
00:23:28he is from northern China the province he could understand what she said about you
00:23:33John no not familiar with that I can count on these.
00:23:44He saw a visitor yes so what he can't tell us about him.
00:23:50I. Saw
00:24:05the man in the alley. Was
00:24:09a car in the alley. Was
00:24:11a big. What does that mean it was
00:24:14a blue car so he wore a black hat and drove
00:24:17a blue car so why just
00:24:19a moment please.
00:24:34a minute what goes on here.
00:24:45going on
00:24:45a headquarters make
00:24:46a report and have this place covered we'll see you later please please Mr Policeman
00:24:51please really made very frightened to stay here all alone don't worry sister there
00:24:56an officer stationed right outside your door but don't try to leave this apartment
00:24:59till you get
00:24:59an official OK from the police coming pretty yeah you might drop me off sure you're
00:25:04all right certainly of course I'm
00:25:06a little busy yeah you're telling me look here Bill Davis and I didn't care about
00:25:11that last.
00:25:34I don't. Get.
00:25:49Yes second son of wisdom cheap get
00:25:54a load of this reaching who belongs to my fraternity took me down to see his
00:25:58grandfather the head of
00:25:59a hip thing Tom and patiently waiting for Lord wait till you hear the princess
00:26:06came over here to buy airplanes for
00:26:08a brother's army in the Orient. Information valuable good mark for number two
00:26:14son now perhaps can forgive for letting girl newspaper man escape.
00:26:22Yes very well goodbye Mr Chan I got
00:26:26a big job waiting good desire to go downtown to. Exchange species bank
00:26:32on Market Street yes we are practically there.
00:26:40As soon as I saw the news of the murder in the morning papers I decided to
00:26:44communicate with the police I want to thank you for saving me that trouble Mr
00:26:49Chan. Police already aware of bank connection with Princess money
00:26:56affairs I'm not referring to those travelers checks there's
00:26:59a much more important matter when she arrived here she carried with her
00:27:03a draft on the home bank in China for
00:27:06a million dollars and what's highly significant she's cashed almost the entire
00:27:11amount first cashier's check for
00:27:15a hundred thousand dollars then odd amounts almost daily until she's only I think
00:27:20around thirty seven thousand dollars left. Happen to know to whom first check was
00:27:27drawn yes it was cashed by
00:27:30a captain Kelso who identified himself as the San Francisco representative of the
00:27:35Kelso Aviation Company of Los Angeles I've kept things in my private file owing to
00:27:40the peculiar nature of the account.
00:27:45Of. Yes here's the Kelso check.
00:27:53Yes. Captain Kelso. Captain
00:28:00K. Offices in Brunson building on Broad Street yes I
00:28:07understand it is and these are the various acknowledgments signed by the princess in
00:28:13Chinese of course for the other amount she's withdrawn. Tell me you happen to
00:28:20have original draft presented by princess Oh yes here it is.
00:28:29Yet also bears her signature in Chinese I have taken these out of the records of
00:28:34the bank and the expectation of turning them over to the police Oh yes of course
00:28:39we'll see that they get to proper party do not know with whom princess was dealing
00:28:47nothing she ever said would indicate that she was engaged in negotiations of any
00:28:51sort but I could guess the princess was hardly sightseeing.
00:28:59Perhaps this Captain Kelso can give you some information yes perhaps you will of
00:29:06course see that those papers are returned to the bank Oh yes yes we'll do. Thank you
00:29:14so much not at all.
00:29:36The. Thing to report
00:29:44after so no Mr Chan everything's been quiet as
00:29:46a mouse. Made
00:29:58go out no she hasn't left the apartment.
00:30:31Miss Chen.
00:31:08Go tell Officer called Sergeant Davidson Yes I sure will and if you don't mind I
00:31:13think I'll keep on going but I think I left something in the car. Yes this place
00:31:19for a man with an easy stomach use it.
00:31:28Oh. In that made that she. Miss Chan what you.
00:31:37Yes Mr Chan you right may not go out.
00:33:06Death was probably instantaneous he went just as fast as our friend the princess
00:33:09and by the same route. Yes I think so I think that's the way it came in John Oh
00:33:16yes only other entrance to apartment let's go up on the roof was there already any
00:33:22trace of anyone know nothing except footsteps of a little Chinese boy let's see
00:33:27if he's around he live in basement this is
00:33:30a screw his case I've ever been on up against
00:33:33a stone wall. You know many times in past Charlie Chan find himself in the exact
00:33:40same locality. Let's go look the kid up yes.
00:34:03The store.
00:34:16And I think a little guy's double crossed us all maybe frame the princess.
00:34:23Hardly think so I got a little guy can talk. I think that dumb stuff just
00:34:48Such. A.
00:34:57I look like the kid did it think so well as your arrival would have been easy for
00:35:02him to hide outside your window he knocked off the princess and the maid now he's
00:35:07blown but he is friend of princess probably moved in here so I could watch it let us
00:35:12start at commencement first princess come here to buy airplanes fighter planes must
00:35:18be smuggled out of country diplomatic reasons sure to be shipped on a Shanghai made
00:35:23could be so let's go down a search that's a good idea but you go down personally
00:35:29trying to pursue other line of investigation.
00:35:57I have keen desire to see Captain get your name please Charlie just
00:36:03a moment.
00:36:04There. And
00:36:15yes. Send him in in just a moment I'll I'll go to yes.
00:36:44You may go in now please thank you so much.
00:36:51Oh how do you do Mr Chan.
00:36:58Well this is quite
00:36:59an honor. I knew you'd get around to me sooner or later. Just
00:37:05a down thank. I've been anticipating an interview ever since I read that the
00:37:10princess had been murdered contradiction please anticipate we trace check from
00:37:15princess Well you see I've been engaged in some rather delicate negotiations with
00:37:20the princess assume negotiating sale of airplanes Yes it's quite natural she should
00:37:25come to me her brother Sean C.
00:37:27Was one of the best friends I ever had Yes of course. Do you know Captain that
00:37:33princess have withdrawn large sums of money from exchange species
00:37:39Bank of Peking of which no trace found no.
00:37:46She was supposed to make
00:37:47a second payment to me at the end of the week. Have no idea who might have
00:37:52planned murder Well that's hard to say however you know the cause of Shang
00:37:58Has many enemies have you any clues to work on well. Before she died
00:38:05princess scribble on pad on my desk Captain K.
00:38:13Captain K.
00:38:14Yes could possibly be Captain care so well I cannot tell me why she write your
00:38:20name no. No. I wish I could. I'm utterly bewildered
00:38:27yes. I don't have to tell you Mr Chan this situation is distinctly embarrassing
00:38:35I've made a great many commitments and put it bluntly I'm left holding the bag Oh
00:38:41very sorry but unless Charlie Chan have exceedingly good fortune may find self in
00:38:47very same predicament Thank you so much I'm glad to be of help.
00:38:59Just a minute this guy right he's on the telephone really anyone I know.
00:39:05I tell them it's for Charlie Chan it's very important and tell him we want it
00:39:09right away never mind that's all I'll talk to you later. What important information
00:39:14did Mr Chan want why do you keep busting into my office like you're on the joint
00:39:18look here Bill Davis and don't get tough with me I might know more than you think
00:39:22I know I've been tailing Charlie all day and I think you give him some protection
00:39:26that man's in danger Listen Peggy you holding out on me do you know something
00:39:29that I don't know that wouldn't take much brains. Take that.
00:39:35Take that. Oh so you play do you.
00:39:59Now tell me what information did Mr Chan want that you'll never know it's what
00:40:04I said why don't they just don't you walk out on me.
00:41:11Hi Barry I'm a good even Sergeant Sergeant did you find out who was popping
00:41:16them Chinese ladies off with
00:41:17a pop gun not yet but if I were you I'd watch my step you're next on the list I
00:41:22think you know too much not me I'm wearing a bulletproof vest. You know. Not
00:41:29necessary for Birmingham to tap skull to prove head is empty that's right.
00:41:36I got the report from Los Angeles on the Kelso Aviation Company it's a phony we
00:41:42progress come in must thank number two son for this information he was the one
00:41:48to find out that princess by plane address was an old hangar in Burbank hasn't
00:41:53been used for years. Very strange.
00:42:00Representative of company is supposed to be in big business deal with princess
00:42:05much money involved. Too many questions that don't have any answers why should
00:42:11the princess be murdered what was the motive what she do with all that dough why
00:42:16did she come here to see you and who followed her why should the maid be killed
00:42:20. Many questions arise all in good time we get answers and what happened to that
00:42:27little Chinese boy I'd like to get my hands on him I'd make him talk no trace
00:42:35not a sign we've been through Chinatown with
00:42:38a fine tooth comb we've watched the railroad stations the bus stations the air
00:42:44terminal little guys vanished. Not going to hide forever.
00:42:52The best men in the department out to try some. You know little guys the answer to
00:42:56a lot. Do not be too certain. Many time in the past it has happened Charlie
00:43:04Chan Horsley barking up incorrect tree. Well I'm going to shove off and get a
00:43:11little shot I'll call you if anything happens good please to do that.
00:43:37Can watch them dogs they'll chew you into
00:43:39a mess of your company. Do not worry I'm number one student in school of
00:43:52I'm Mr John. Boss is waiting for you and these dogs they don't hurt you either
00:43:58I'm going to hurt you either our loud it's under our little it rain.
00:44:17Arm is the can. Watch you and don't get in there and go ahead.
00:44:29And since I'm. Why Mr chair.
00:44:37I hope my dogs didn't scare you they've been getting out of hand lately not at
00:44:42all excellent guardians of masters to me to come and sit down thank you.
00:44:50Scott you're
00:44:51a bird with neither if you please. Well I've been rather hoping to see you again
00:44:57Mr chair and I'm interested in your investigations Oh thank you so much Mr
00:45:03Armstrong how many times you actually meet princess Oh two or three times no
00:45:10more I see. Do you think it possible that person who would draw money out of
00:45:17bank might not actually have been princess might have been impersonator.
00:45:24I hardly think so I'm sure I would have detected an imposter Oh yes you certain
00:45:32quite certain. What makes you think there's a possibility the bank's been imposed
00:45:37upon well they apprehensive signatures forgeries.
00:45:45Why that's impossible. I'm certain I would have detected it I I know the Chinese
00:45:52language I can read it and write it I couldn't be for. What just want to discuss
00:45:58matter get opinion. I see. Pardon me just
00:46:05a moment of course. And
00:46:11oh yes Mr Allen yes I want quite
00:46:14a nice headstone. Well we'll look them over together thank you very
00:46:21much goodbye. I just buried one of my dogs in the local
00:46:28pet cemetery he got vicious bit the gardener and I had to dispose of him Oh he
00:46:34also large dog Yes I always keep two or three of them I have more faith in my
00:46:42dogs than I have in any other guy Yes I understand what must be going time
00:46:48presses on the heels if I can be of any further help don't hesitate to call on me
00:46:53thank you so much I hope you're successful in solving this case Well thank you so
00:47:00much Mr Armstrong Well you know sometimes think the successful detective one upon
00:47:04whom luck shows smiling countenance. Good day good day Mr Chan.
00:47:25Where's your master. You know I play go call it.
00:47:37The other you're going to get me.
00:47:41All right. OK Mr Armstrong sit down what's the meaning of this sit down.
00:47:56Armstrong would like to know what happened to the balance of the princess's money
00:48:00she grew it all out council you've got some of it sure I did but only a little
00:48:05where's the rest of it all I know is she drew it out we're going to take you down
00:48:09to the boat perhaps after a little while on the water you will come forward just a
00:48:13little more information this is ridiculous Charlie Chan has seen all the papers in
00:48:18the case you can check with him if you don't believe me that reminds me I would
00:48:23like to have a talk with Mr Chan suppose you call him up ask him to come out here
00:48:28I won't do anything of the kind. Call him up numbers major four seven eight two
00:48:46You know Mr Chan's resident commenced with the conversation and also Mr Chan's
00:48:51in conference he is in conference with the chief of police the district attorney
00:48:56the mayor and the government and I think the secretary of state.
00:49:03Conference over the man with the dog humorous dialogue not very humorous
00:49:13Charlie Chan speaking yes Mr Armstrong I will be there at once car door
00:49:19immediately Oh Mr Chan you ain't going back with them dogs men who ride on Tiger
00:49:25cannot dismount he can't car car.
00:49:29Sherlock any news from Chad No I guess he's got nothing to report waiting for
00:49:34things to develop.
00:49:39Hello. I was wondering when I was going to hear from you sergeant maybe we emerge
00:49:47in shining garments of success No you mean it I.
00:49:51Well that's fine I'm going to home of Mr Armstrong now much may be revealed by
00:49:58the unsuspecting meet me there all right.
00:50:05But. Something's up what is it Oh nothing at all just one of the boys checking in
00:50:10nothing that would interest you.
00:50:12You'll get the story when I crack it. I guess that's all for tonight.
00:50:18Drop around the morning OK. Coming now I think I'll stick around a while couple
00:50:24of reports coming in from the pawn shop detail.
00:50:27All right.
00:50:30I'm going to go to the pawn shop.
00:50:33I'm going to go to the pawn shop.
00:50:36I'm going to go to the pawn shop.
00:50:38All right.
00:50:43Well see you in the morning Yeah don't make it too early.
00:51:08But. Mr Chan Mr Chan be careful of them don't do not have fear dogs will recognize
00:51:17Frank Yeah but Mr Chan mean them dogs they've been properly introduced so if it's
00:51:21all the same to you I'll wait right out here we'll arrange formal introduction later
00:51:26Oh well that's all right.
00:51:28I wouldn't go in there with all them dogs for all the tea and China good for me.
00:51:43That'll be our friend chance.
00:51:58All right.
00:52:02Where. The interesting situation.
00:52:13Our pardon Mr Chan we're not sure that you would accept our invitation or disagree
00:52:19on the contrary very grateful you know a little too much to suit us Mr Chan you've
00:52:25been a little too clever or when with compliments I think we should all go down
00:52:30to my boat it may be easier to convince Mr Armstrong down there and you Mr Chan
00:52:38may give us access to the store of information that you have gathered or wasting
00:52:42time let us go.
00:53:02What are you doing here. You can't put anything over on me Bill Davidson you and
00:53:08your phone calls get out of this. Try and put me out.
00:53:17Hey what are you trying to do wreck the car.
00:53:22All right calm let's go.
00:53:38Oh it's only kosher to me come on by me and let's get going.
00:54:15Doors open something wrong.
00:54:39That nothing nothing at all.
00:54:44Right down there.
00:54:58This is the police department I don't know what the number is but I want the palace
00:55:08Hello yes Sergeant Davidson.
00:55:13Room for sixty one.
00:55:17It was occupied by Captain Kong of the Shanghai made.
00:55:23He checked out this afternoon.
00:55:25Boat sails at midnight all right thank you.
00:55:30He belonged to the captain of the boat the princess arrived on maybe that's our answer.
00:55:44All right.
00:55:47Some a couple of squads down the Shanghai made.
00:55:51I'll be there ahead of you.
00:55:54Monthly let's get going.
00:56:32Good gracious me.
00:56:57Yes Birmingham.
00:56:59What I'm down here by myself Mr Chan has made his departure to parts unknown but he
00:57:05had a date to meet Davidson at Armstrong's he left the house all right but I don't think
00:57:09it was on his own accord absolutely.
00:57:13You better hurry up and come down here to pier fifty six because I'm dubious about
00:57:17handling this thing alone OK.
00:57:35Sorry for this slight inconvenience gentlemen but necessity knows no law.
00:57:40Mr Armstrong you will be given an opportunity of explaining what happened to the rest of
00:57:44that money.
00:57:46And Mr Chan when we're all about a hundred miles out to sea you'll be given an opportunity
00:57:51to swim back to San Francisco.
00:57:54Not very funny.
00:58:15Was kind of gone up on bridge.
00:58:27Listen could you wait here I'm going to find out what this is all about now look
00:58:29Bill I want to wait here.
00:58:43Sergeant Davidson.
00:58:46Captain Kong.
00:58:48You recognize that key.
00:58:54It is to the room I had at the palace hotel where did you find it in the home of the
00:58:58manager of the specie bank Oh that was where I dropped it you called on Armstrong Yes
00:59:04this afternoon I firmed as a great deal of business through his bank I went there to
00:59:09have some papers signed.
00:59:18Seems to be a little trouble over there.
00:59:23The front door was open the house was empty and the dogs were dead so.
00:59:30What time were you there.
00:59:34About a half hour ago.
00:59:37Oh let me see I was there about five o'clock Mr Armstrong signed some bills of
00:59:44lading we had a bourbon and soda and I left.
00:59:50You consider the fact that my key was found there might be important Mr policeman I
00:59:56was supposed to have met Mr Chan there both Chan and Armstrong have disappeared I'm
01:00:02afraid I can be of no assistance to you.
01:00:08I'll take this.
01:00:10I may need it.
01:00:29Where is it we don't show you it's right over here.
01:00:53That's you.
01:00:56And if we look at Mr Chan is still in there come on.
01:01:00Right behind you.
01:01:03All right.
01:01:04All right.
01:01:05Give me a hand Birmingham let's get him loose I sure will.
01:01:13Captain Castle.
01:01:37Thank you so much.
01:01:38Oh nothing at all Mr Chan.
01:01:41Now to get out of here.
01:01:47Mr Chan is probably out on a private investigation of his own.
01:01:50Yeah well I hope you're right this time I'm not so sure.
01:01:52Let go of me.
01:01:53Take your hands off me.
01:01:54Let me out of this cabin.
01:02:15OK boys check this guy.
01:02:16All right.
01:02:22Becky who's that guy?
01:02:23That's Captain Castle.
01:02:24Chan called on him this afternoon.
01:02:25Castle huh?
01:02:26Maybe you can answer some questions.
01:02:28Mac, Charlie, take the both of them into the captain's cabin.
01:02:31You go up on the bridge and tell the officer there
01:02:32the police are in charge.
01:02:34Why'd you run into him?
01:02:35He was coming up from the hatch.
01:02:36He grabbed me as soon as he saw me.
01:02:37I want to start there.
01:02:38Come on, boys, I want to go through this tub
01:02:40with a fine-toothed comb.
01:02:47Flanagan, you go forward.
01:02:48Alan, you take that side of the ship.
01:02:57What happened to you?
01:02:58We kidnapped.
01:03:01Yes, from my own home.
01:03:02Well, if we can't make the murder charge stick,
01:03:04we got them there.
01:03:05Oh, you have got them.
01:03:07Yeah, Kelso and Kong.
01:03:08They almost had me fooled for a while.
01:03:10Arrived in nick of time, Sergeant.
01:03:12Much later, and Charlie Chan destined for a very long swim.
01:03:15Yeah, well, with a little luck, we got enough on them
01:03:17to send them to San Quentin for life.
01:03:19You know, Confucius say,
01:03:20luck, happy chain of foolish accidents.
01:03:24Come on, they're in Kong's cabin.
01:03:39There's our murderer.
01:03:40We got enough on the other guy to hang him too.
01:03:43Kelso and Kong, I arrest you for the murder
01:03:45of Princess Mei Ling and her maid, Lily Mei Wong.
01:03:48We are interfering with regret, but this not so.
01:03:53Captain Kelso and Captain Kong not murder Princess.
01:03:57Again, regretfully interfering.
01:04:00Here is murderer.
01:04:05Why, that's preposterous.
01:04:07Examine us in bank for several days.
01:04:10Discover misappropriation of funds.
01:04:14Also, on my tip, discover systematic manipulation
01:04:18of money of Princess.
01:04:21Mr. Armstrong, a very clever man, gentlemen.
01:04:25As soon as he find out that Captain Kelso
01:04:28and Captain Kong were swindling Princess,
01:04:31he make plan to steal rest of money.
01:04:34Princess, only one who can testify
01:04:38that Captain Kelso have not yet received all of money.
01:04:41So Mr. Armstrong killed her,
01:04:44feeling sure crime would be pinned on Captain Kelso.
01:04:50Then, with mask on, Mr. Armstrong stole necessary papers,
01:04:56later forged from apartment of Princess,
01:04:59where he was disturbed by...
01:05:03Where is Miss Cartwright?
01:05:05I will get your ten, she's phoning her paper.
01:05:08No bet, sure thing.
01:05:11Yeah, that's it, Mac.
01:05:12Phone you the rest of it as soon as I get it.
01:05:14Okay, bye.
01:05:16While he was at apartment, he was seen by Chinese boy.
01:05:20This very dangerous, so he came back after him,
01:05:23where in turn was disturbed by maid.
01:05:26He killed maid and carried off Chinese boy,
01:05:30who was later strangled.
01:05:32Oh no, the little guy's not dead too.
01:05:35Again, regretfully contradicting,
01:05:38but Mr. Armstrong tell me that he buried body
01:05:41of vicious dog in pet cemetery.
01:05:44That's right, I did.
01:05:47I opened grave early this evening.
01:05:52Box contained body of Chinese boy.
01:05:55Your story of vicious dog, clever fabrication, Mr. Armstrong.
01:06:00Only happen all your dogs vicious.
01:06:07There you are, Sergeant.
01:06:09All right, get him out of here.
01:06:17Say, why are you arresting Armstrong?
01:06:20Because he murdered the princess, her maid,
01:06:23and a little Chinese boy.
01:06:25Holy Cathy, you're a real fool.
01:06:28You're a fool, I'm a fool.
01:06:30You're a fool, I'm a fool.
01:06:32You're a fool, I'm a fool.
01:06:34You're a fool, I'm a fool.
01:06:36This is the devil's happening,
01:06:38but you didn't kill that Chinese boy.
01:06:41Holy Cathy, I just called the paper
01:06:43and said that Kong and Kelso did it.
01:06:45They'll have an X-ray on the streets any minute now.
01:06:47Well, that's your tough luck.
01:06:51You know, a woman not made for heavy thinking,
01:06:54but should always decorate scene like blossom of plum.
01:06:59Well pop, I guess that winds that up.
01:07:01It's a good thing I found out about those airplanes,
01:07:04that tipped the whole thing off.
01:07:05And if I hadn't have followed you to boat...
01:07:07Look here, if I hadn't bumped into Kelso, you'd all be out to sea by now.
01:07:10You know, a very funny thing, but seems somehow...
01:07:14...Charlie Chan never find out anything.
01:07:18However, man who ride on merry-go-round...
01:07:22...all the time, sooner or later...
01:07:25...must catch...
01:07:26...grass ring.
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