Kucari Jalan Terbaik "Pance Pondaag" cover Felix ft Aurel Hermansyah
Sepanjang kita masih terus begini
Takkan pernah ada damai bersenandung
Kemesraan antara kita berdua
Sesungguhnya keterpaksaan saja
Senyum dan tawa hanya sekedar saja
Sebagai pelengkap sempurnanya sandiwara
Berawal dari manisnya kasih sayang
Terlanjur kita hanyut dan terbuai
Kucoba bertahan mendampingi dirimu
Walau kadang kala tak seiring jalan
Kucari dan selalu kucari jalan terbaik
Agar tiada penyesalan dan air mata
Senyum dan tawa hanya sekedar saja
Sebagai pelengkap sempurnanya sandiwara…
I Find the Best Way
Pance Pondaag
As long as we continue like this
There will never be a humming peace
Romance between the two of us
Indeed, just compulsion
Smiles and laughter are just that
As a perfect complement to the play
Starting from the sweetness of love
Already we are drifting and lulled
I try to stay beside you
Even though sometimes it doesn't go along the way
I seek and always find the best way
So that there are no regrets and tears
Smiles and laughter are just that
As a perfect complement to the play ...
Sepanjang kita masih terus begini
Takkan pernah ada damai bersenandung
Kemesraan antara kita berdua
Sesungguhnya keterpaksaan saja
Senyum dan tawa hanya sekedar saja
Sebagai pelengkap sempurnanya sandiwara
Berawal dari manisnya kasih sayang
Terlanjur kita hanyut dan terbuai
Kucoba bertahan mendampingi dirimu
Walau kadang kala tak seiring jalan
Kucari dan selalu kucari jalan terbaik
Agar tiada penyesalan dan air mata
Senyum dan tawa hanya sekedar saja
Sebagai pelengkap sempurnanya sandiwara…
I Find the Best Way
Pance Pondaag
As long as we continue like this
There will never be a humming peace
Romance between the two of us
Indeed, just compulsion
Smiles and laughter are just that
As a perfect complement to the play
Starting from the sweetness of love
Already we are drifting and lulled
I try to stay beside you
Even though sometimes it doesn't go along the way
I seek and always find the best way
So that there are no regrets and tears
Smiles and laughter are just that
As a perfect complement to the play ...