Senior U.S. diplomat to visit Russia, Lithuania, and Ukraine for Belarus, N. Korea talks

Arirang News

: Arirang News

9 조회
"비건 미 부장관 25~26일 방러…북핵•벨라루스 사태 등 논의"

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun will visit Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine this week,... for talks related to the ongoing turmoil in Belarus,... as well as for discussions on North Korea.
According to the State Department,... Biegun's trip to the three countries will involve discussing a range of regional and international issues,... including the massive social unrest across Belarus after a widely-contested election result.
Biegun is also expected to discuss North Korea issues during his stay in Russia.
While speculation swirls over North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's possibly failing health,... Biegun insisted there's no credible evidence to back up such rumors.