Having fully recovered from Covid, megastar Amitabh Bachchan is back at work. He has started shooting for the twelfth season of Kaun Banega Crorepati. The veteran actor posted a picture on Instagram, of the crew dressed in blue PPE suits and masks. He captioned the picture: “…it’s back to work .. in a sea of blue PPE .. KBC 12 .. started 2000 .. today year 2020 .. 20 years ! Amaze .. that’s a lifetime !!” Big B also shared a more pictures from the shoot on his blog, and described shooting amid the new normal, he wrote, “.. its a sea of limited BLUE on set .. quiet .. conscious .. each delegated work routine .. precautions , systems , distanced masks , sanitised and the apprehensions of not just what shall happen to the show .. but what shall the World look like after this dread Vid19 …. getting in front of the cameras again .. was it weird , different feel after this long furlough .. dunno …” He mentioned that there is a loss of camaraderie. He further added that the recognised faces are now unrecognisable, “And the doubts whether we are in the right place , with the right people .. but .. we muster up the fears and be on …. there is great consideration and care being extended .. all precautions carefully worked out and followed ..”