Doctors to proceed with planned 3-day nationwide walkout

  • 4 years ago
20년만에 의료계 총파업,... 정부 "보건소중심 비상체계 구축"

Starting today, tens of thousands of doctors will begin a three-day strike,... in protest of the government's medical workforce reform plans.
Doctors of all levels, including interns and residents at general hospitals, will be joining the strike.
Thousands of trainee doctors have already been staging an indefinite strike since late last week.
Since there are concerns about potential disruptions to the health care system, the government said it will set up an emergency system at public health centers.
The government's reform plan includes upping admission quotas at med schools to recruit an additional 4-thousand more doctors over the next decade.
Doctors say it's the country’s bad healthcare policies,… NOT the shortage of doctors,… have caused the problems in provincial areas.