• 5年前
Wine is a ritual that accompanies Chinese throughout their lives, in the occasion of giving birth, getting married and passing away. The same applies in the turning wheel of seasons, when Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Chung Yeung Festival comes one after the other. Wine is something deep in the blood of Chinese all the time! 酒是伴随中国人一生的仪式,家里小孩出生时要喝满月酒,大婚时要喝喜酒,亲人离世时要喝丧酒。一生如此,一年亦是如此。春节到来的时候要喝屠苏酒,端午节要喝雄黄酒,中秋节要喝桂花酒,到了重阳节还要喝菊花酒。一年一生,酒是流淌在中国人血脉中的情感!
