Driver saved from collapsing bridge thanks to local hero

Arirang News

: Arirang News

8 조회
"위험해요. 오지 마세요!"...잠시 후 무너진 다리

This week saw Typhoon Maysak hit South Korea hard,... hard enough to leave buildings in tatters and even destroy bridges.
Thanks to the quick-thinking of one individual, a driver is saved from sheer disaster just seconds before a bridge is about to collapse.
Our Han Seong-woo has the details.
Just moments before disaster...
A man frantically shouts and waves his hands...signaling to a car on the other side of a bridge to back up.
And... as if he had foreseen what was about to come, the bridge collapses... and the river below swallows a large section.
CCTV footage captures the scene of a man about to save a driver's life...just seconds before Typhoon Maysak demolishes a bridge in the city of Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do Province on Tuesday.
"I noticed the bridge had sunk even lower, so I stopped the car from crossing. My wife called 119 as I stood watching. A lot of people normally cross that bridge to get to work."
The country is no longer under the direct influence of Maysak.
But another storm, Typhoon Haishen, is forecast to touch down on the Korean peninsula in a few days, raising concerns that more damage is on the way.
Han Seong-woo, Arirang News.