• 4 years ago
Can you really choose your life?When NG Abramson was a teenager he made some pretty bad choices. One night when he was stopped by the police while driving a stolen car, he panicked and stepped on the gas. It was a crazy thing to do, but he chose to do it. The result was a tragic accident.If you've ever made choices that you've regretted, or find yourself living a life that's less than satisfying then this book offers you hope and a pathway to more peace, freedom and happiness.This book is for you if...You feel like you are still paying for mistakes from the pastYou know you're not living up to your full potentialYou feel stuck in your job, relationship, or bothYou are or have been in AA or other support groupsYou got into some trouble and are ready to make a new startAbramson shares his personal story to illustrate the impact our choices have on our lives. But this is not a memoir. You Can Choose Your Life is about the importance of recognizing our "internal conversations," because it's our internal conversations that lead to the choices we make. And those choices shape our lives.The good news is that everyone can make new choices, no matter what has happened in the past. When we recognize why we made the choices we did, we don't have to repeat the same old patterns.What is choosing your life?It is an active process that requires you to be as aware, conscious, and responsible for the things you tell yourself and believe as you can possibly be.Once you're aware, conscious, and responsible for the things you tell yourself and believe, you don't have to continue telling yourself those same old things.You can choose the internal conversations you are now going to listen to. And by doing so, you are able to make new choices and choose your experience of life.Looking back, the author notes that he stole cars and did things that were against the law because he was listening to conversations in his head that had him believe he had to prove his self-worth to others to be accepted by them. The real problem, however, was that he didn't accept himself. Yet, he didn't know that until he began looking at his internal conversations.This book shows you how to "own" your past, so you don't repeat it, especially if there are things about it you don't like. You'll become aware of the importance of choosing your experience of life, no matter what is happening or has happened.Abramson passionately believes that all people can move beyond the place where they feel stuck and live lives they love. Of course, people have to be willing to do the work to get themselves unstuck. You Can Choose Your Life lays out the kind of work that is and how to do it.While we can't take back choices we've already made, we can stop making choices that are not moving us closer to living the life of our dreams. All it takes is becoming responsible for past choices in a way most people are not.The author doesn't say this is easy to do, but he knows it's possible to do, especially if one reads the book and does the exercises in it.You Can Choose Your Life offers practical exercises that have you look at your internal conversations and the choices you've been making in a new light.From reading the book and doing the exercises, you will realize that you really can choose your life and love the life you choose.After you read this book, Abramson asserts that you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the power to choose your life the way it is as well as the way you want it to be. And you'll have the tools you'll need to be able to choose it both ways.Order your copy now of use Amazon's "Look Inside" feature to read the first part of the
