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Learn how to say "Wolverine is SOO good looking", or "Deadpool is soo rude". In this lesson, we teach you some extremely funny, exaggerated and colloquial ways to intensify verbs and adjectives (stative verbs) in Chinese. If you want to impress your friends and make them laugh with your fabulous descriptions, this lesson is for you.
We've taken some liberties with the English translations since they don't really match up with the literal Chinese translation much, but the take-home message is that these phrases are great for being completely over the top!
Key Vocabulary:
...得不要不要的 (de bù yào bù yào de) - very; extremely; lit: to not want, not want.
得要命 (de yàomìng) - very; extremely; lit: to death
惨了!(cǎn le) - very; extremely; lit: terrible
到(一个)不行 (dào( yī gè) bùxíng) - to an extreme extent.
到翻过去翻不回来 (dào fān guòqù fān bù huílai) - so; extremely; lit: to have flipped over and now unable to flip back
到翻过去又翻回来 (dào fān guòqù yòu fān huílai) - so; extremely; lit: to have flipped over and now flipped back
帅毙了(shuài bì le) - too hot; so hot; lit: handsome to death
帅死了(shuài sǐ le) - too hot; so hot; lit: handsome to death
帅晕我了(shuài yūn wǒ le) - so handsome he makes me weak at the knees; lit: handsome so I go dizzy/faint
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Learn how to say "Wolverine is SOO good looking", or "Deadpool is soo rude". In this lesson, we teach you some extremely funny, exaggerated and colloquial ways to intensify verbs and adjectives (stative verbs) in Chinese. If you want to impress your friends and make them laugh with your fabulous descriptions, this lesson is for you.
We've taken some liberties with the English translations since they don't really match up with the literal Chinese translation much, but the take-home message is that these phrases are great for being completely over the top!
Key Vocabulary:
...得不要不要的 (de bù yào bù yào de) - very; extremely; lit: to not want, not want.
得要命 (de yàomìng) - very; extremely; lit: to death
惨了!(cǎn le) - very; extremely; lit: terrible
到(一个)不行 (dào( yī gè) bùxíng) - to an extreme extent.
到翻过去翻不回来 (dào fān guòqù fān bù huílai) - so; extremely; lit: to have flipped over and now unable to flip back
到翻过去又翻回来 (dào fān guòqù yòu fān huílai) - so; extremely; lit: to have flipped over and now flipped back
帅毙了(shuài bì le) - too hot; so hot; lit: handsome to death
帅死了(shuài sǐ le) - too hot; so hot; lit: handsome to death
帅晕我了(shuài yūn wǒ le) - so handsome he makes me weak at the knees; lit: handsome so I go dizzy/faint
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