Ebooks download The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy Free acces

  • 4 years ago
Called a ?fascinating exploration of economic civil disobedience? by PublishersWeekly, Lisa Dodson?s stunning book The Moral Underground features stories of middle-class managers and professionals who refuse to be complicit in an economy that puts a decent life beyond the reach of the working poor. Whether it?s a nurse choosing to treat an uninsured child, a supervisor padding a paycheck, or a restaurant manager sneaking food to a worker?s children, these unsung heroes reach across the economic fault line to restore a sense of justice to the working world.Selected as the ?Writer as Witness? text to be read and discussed by theincoming Class of 2014 at American University, The Moral Underground is based on Dodson?s eight years of research and conversations with hundreds of Americans about the need to create ethical alternatives to rules that ignore the humanity of working parents and put their children at risk. The Moral Underground has been called ?powerful? by The Weekly Sift,?the documentary tradition at its very best? by Pulitzer Prize?winner Robert Coles, and ?inspiring? and ?hard hitting? by Spirituality and Practice magazine, which wrote, ?Dodson does a remarkable job of conveying the sense of deep unfairness that pervades the feelings of these individuals who are paid less than they need to live.?
