Yellow Jacket protesters storm Paris in violent demonstration

  • 4 years ago

Protests in Paris erupted in violence on Saturday as hundreds of rioters took to the streets amid a heavy police presence and clouds of teargas to drive back the protestors. Videos uploaded to Twitter showed black-clad rioters stomping on a parked car and later setting it on fire. Another video showed an elderly man intervening to stop a rioter from smashing a car, only to be shoved to the ground by the rioter. By 1 p. m. Paris time, police had made more than 150 arrests, mainly on concealed weapons charges, according to a tweet from Paris police that also showed an image of the knives, sticks and mallets they had seized from the demonstrators. The black-clad anarchists who rampaged through city streets mixed with hundreds of peaceful protestors who were demanding social justice and increased environmental protections. Jean-Marie Bigard, a comedian and self-appointed presidential candidate for the Gilets Jaunes, or Yellow Jackets, was booed by members of the Yellow Jackets at one of the marches in Paris, and called a “collaborator” after he distanced himself from one of the leaders who referred to the police as “Nazis. ” Bigard had to take refuge in a cafe after protestors threatened him, according to French news reports. The national day of protests were called by the movement after a hiatus during the coronavirus lockdown. Several hundred protestors gathered near two squares in Paris, where stores had been boarded up with plywood in anticipation of the authorized marches.

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