YCPR Marseille 2020 : Optimist Coach Regatta Marseille 2020

  • il y a 4 ans
Organized by the YCPR and ASPTT Marseille, this regatta for Optimists has been part of a national and international dynamic for the past 5 years.
Organized and managed by Lou Abad Rieu (ASPTT) and Thomas Giorgi (YCPR), the two Optimist coaches from Pointe Rouge, as well as Clara Geiling on the communication side, this Coach Regatta aims to help young athletes progress; two days of training in the form of a regatta where coaches can orally help their riders during the races.
On the program: 2 days of regatta, workshops organized by juries on the theme of race rules, video debirefing and maybe some surprises...


