• 5 years ago
Thousands of ducks hold up traffic while they cross a road in rural Thailand on their way to help farmers control rice pests.

The free-range creatures graze in paddy fields searching for snails that destroy the rice crops in the Bang Len district of Nakhon Pathom province, around 40 miles from the capital Bangkok.

Footage shows thousands of ducks being herded by a farmer into a wet paddy field to help them control the pest population naturally.

Khaki Campbell ducks, a British breed, have historically helped farmers in the region during the harvest time by eating several varieties of snails that are attracted to breed on the wet ground, as well weeds.

They are let loose into the fields during the day time before being rounded up into a pen at night.

Thailand is also the world’s second-biggest rice exporter and has been facing a prolonged drought.


