Ron Paul hospitalized after suffering apparent medical incident during live stream

  • 4 yıl önce
Ron Paul hospitalized after suffering apparent medical incident during live stream

Former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul suffers a medical emergency during a livestreamed event Ron Paul, the former Texas lawmaker who ran for president three times, suffered a medical emergency during a livestreamed event Friday
Paul was talking about the free market when his speech turned to gibberish with another participant asking if he was OK
Fox News Channel reported that Paul has since been hospitalized for 'precautionary' reasons Ron Paul, the Republican ex-congressman who thrice ran for the White House, suffered some kind of medical emergency in the midst of a livestreamed event Friday.

Video of the event shows Paul talking about the free market and then his speech suddenly turns to gibberish as another participant on the video call asks if he's OK.

Fox News reported that Paul was then hospitalized for 'precautionary' reasons. Paul is the father of Sen. Rand Paul, whose office didn't have an update on the former Texas congressman right away.

A request for comment from to the Ron Paul Institute has gone unreturned.

While Paul retired from Congress in 2013, the 85-year-old has remained active in politics, continuing to film episodes of the 'Ron Paul Liberty Report.'

It was during filming of an episode Friday that the incident occurred.

Paul first ran for the White House in 1988, but his 2008 campaign was notable for the lawmaker's ability to harnass the power of the web. His supporters created viral moments in support of the candidate who represented the more libertarian side of the Republican Party.

In one such instance, they raised money for a Ron Paul blimp that flew over several cities in the run-up to the 2008 primaries, which Sen. John McCain ultimately won.

Paul again ran for president in 2012, losing the nomination to the more mainstream Mitt Romney.

Paul's success in politics helped launch the Senate career of his son Rand, who was the underdog in a GOP Senate primary in 2010 but was aided financially by money raised online, by many of the same grassroots supporters who wanted to see the elder Paul in the White House.

Rand Paul ran unsuccessfully for the White House in 2016, bowing out in early February, after underperforming in the Iowa caucuses.