Seoul's top envoy departs for Washington for denuclearization talks

  • 4 years ago
이도훈 "평화 프로세스에 매우 중요한 시점"...비건 부장관 만나러 오늘 워싱턴으로 출국

South Korea's top nuclear envoy Lee Do-hoon is heading to Washington to meet with his U.S. counterpart and discuss the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
Lee Do-hoon will sit down with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun to discuss a range of issues, including how to revive the denuclearization talks with the North.
Here's the envoy before he left.
"We are now at a very critical moment for the Korean Peninsula peace process. So I will meet with Secretary Biegun for a thorough discussion of how we can stably manage the current situation and resume talks for complete denuclearization and peace."
When asked about a 'October surprise' ahead of the U.S. presidential election as it relates to North Korea, Lee said he would not make a prediction, but will be prepared for every possibility.
The agenda with Biegun could include the recent killing of a South Korean national by North Korean soldiers.