Take Home Pay movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Two brothers, Alama (Vito Vito) and Popo (Longi Taulafo) arrive for the first time in New Zealand as seasonal workers, making plenty of money to take back home to their family in Samoa. But things take a turn for the worst when Popo steals Alamas' money. Determined not to return home empty handed, Alama puts out a call to for help but the only relative that answers is Bob Titilo (Tofiga Fepulea'i) a wannabe private investigator. Bob and Alama's search for Popo takes them on a chase which has them finding a lot more than what they are looking for.
Director: Stallone Vaiaoga-Ioasa
Writer: Stallone Vaiaoga-Ioasa
Stars: Tofiga Fepulea'i, Vito Vito, Ronnie Taulafo
Genre: Action, Comedy
Country: New Zealand
Director: Stallone Vaiaoga-Ioasa
Writer: Stallone Vaiaoga-Ioasa
Stars: Tofiga Fepulea'i, Vito Vito, Ronnie Taulafo
Genre: Action, Comedy
Country: New Zealand
Short film