Trump and Biden clash fiercely in first face-to-face presidential debate

Arirang News

: Arirang News

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트럼프-바이든 첫 TV토론서 대충돌
President Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden clashed during the first televised 2020 U.S. Presidential debate.
While the duo traded barbs on six issues inlcuding COVID-19 response, often accompanied by insults and interruptions.
Kim Sung-min has the highlights from that session.
U.S. President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden clashed fiercely in their first presidential debate on Tuesday local time.
During the debate held in Cleveland Ohio, the two candidates discussed six topics -- the Supreme Court, the COVID-19 pandemic, race, the two candidates' records, election integrity, and the economy.
The discussion involved frequent insults and interruptions from the opponents, and calls for the moderator Chris Wallace to intervene, though he was barely heard.
The 77-year-old former vice president called the president a "clown" while President Trump dragged out Biden's son's drug issues.
Over the COVID-19 response, Biden blasted Trump's leadership, mentioning how more than 2-hundred-thousand Americans have died.
In response, Trump doubted his opponent's ability, saying how badly he did in the past.

"Well, you didn't do very well in swine flu, H1N1. You were a disaster. Your own chief of staff said you were a disaster."

"14,000 people died, not 200,000. There was no economic recession."

Following the fierce debate, CNN's post-debate poll showed, six in ten people thought Biden had the upper hand over President Trump.
The CNN poll conducted by SSRS shows, around 60 percent of some 5-hundred-60 viewers of CNN said Biden was better in the debate, with only 28 percent voting for Trump.
Also, asking which candidate's answers were more truthful, 65 percent of the watchers picked Biden, while just under 70 percent said his attacks on Trump were fair.
Only 32 percent said Trump's attacks were fair.
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News.