• 5 years ago
Pasta Lopez brawled with Bazza Windlow at the Candyland for this year's MDA Charity Wrestling Event. The MDA Charity Wrestling Event 2020 happened on October 1, 2020 at 3PM SLT in Second Life. Learn more about MDA or Muscular Dystrophy Association at MDA.ORG

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Playing the game on an AMD Phenom II X6 1055T processor, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 video card and 16 GB of RAM.

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Livestream Schedule

• Saturdays, 4 PM SLT - Second Life Wrestling! RWA WIRED
• Sundays, 12 PM SLT - Second Life Wrestling! DCWF FULL TILT
• Mondays, 7 PM SLT - Second Life Jousting! DDA MONDAY FUNDAY JOUST
(Got an event you want covered or livestreamed? Just let me know! Thanks!)

About Kabalyero In Second Life

Kabalyero In Second Life is a Channel created by Kabalyero where he uploads videos about or related to Second Life which is a 3D virtual world created by Linden Lab where anyone can be anyone or anything they want.


My Twitter (http://goo.gl/hBrUYQ)
My Facebook (http://goo.gl/UCXCjQ)
My Blog (http://www.kabalyero.info)
My G2A (http://bit.ly/1uCUf92)
My MagicLinks (http://bit.ly/2aiAG4z)
My Second Life Marketplace Store (http://bit.ly/kabslstore)

Earn Linden Dollar Links

Earn2Life (http://www.earn2life.com/process/join.html?kabalyero)

Music Credits

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
