Trump's medical team says he's doing well, could be discharged soon

  • 4 years ago
트럼프 의료진 "이르면 내일 퇴원"... 산소 보충공급 뒤늦게 시인

U.S. President Donald Trump's medical team at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center say he's in good condition as he recovers from COVID-19.
They also said he could be discharged and back in the White House by Monday, local time.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
President Trump's team of doctors says he's doing well in hospital after being diagnosed with coronavirus.
"Today, he feels well, he's been up and around. Our plan for today is to have him to eat and drink. Be up out of bed as much as possible, to be mobile. And if he continues to look and feel as well as he does today, our hope is that we can plan for discharge as early as tomorrow to the White House, where he can continue his treatment course."
Speaking at a press briefing outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Sunday, the team added that the president is no longer receiving extra oxygen and has been fever-free since last Friday.
The team say they will continue to use a five-day course of Remdesivir on the president.
As for the transient drop in President Trump's oxygen levels,... the doctors said they have initiated dexamethasone therapy, which will continue for the time being.
Moments after, Trump's top national security aide explained that the president is "doing very well,"... and is eager to return to the White House.
National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said any transfer of power to Vice President Mike Pence is not on the table right now.
On the same day, President Trump took to Twitter to explain in a more than four minute-long video that he's feeling well,... expressing gratitude to his team of medical professionals for their help.
It seems to be aimed at dismissing media speculation about his health despite the official statement released by White House medical staff.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.


