Trump slammed for downplaying COVID-19 on return to White House

  • 4 years ago
트럼프 퇴원 후 코로나19 경시, 의료진은 건강 정보 공개 주저

Over in Washington, U.S. President Donald Trump's return to the White House is set to reshape his campaign's final four weeks as aides debate how to move past this outstanding setback while grappling with how to send an infected president back on the road.
As his poll numbers tumbled, the president, on his first full day back in the executive mansion plunged Washington into further chaos by abruptly ending Covid-19 relief talks.
Our Han Seong-woo has the latest.
President Trump was discharged Monday night, local time, from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and returned to the White House... where on the Truman Balcony he took off his mask and flashed two thumbs up.
Likely still contagious, and with a long list of White House staff testing positive, he has caused an international controversy for downplaying the threat of COVID-19.
"I knew there's danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front, I led. Nobody that's a leader would not do what I did. And I know there's a risk, there's a danger but that's okay. And now I'm better and maybe I'm immune. I don't know."
On Tuesday, his first morning out of the hospital, Trump compared the virus to the flu in a message that has since been deleted by Facebook and hidden by Twitter.
As for the president's own health, his physician, Sean Conley, said Monday that Trump was still on the steroid dexamethasone and the antiviral drug remdesivir, and has world-class medical care 24/7.
But he didn't say much more, citing patient protection laws, which left health experts concerned.
"What was a little more puzzling to me was the use of steroids in this case because that's generally reserved for patients who are on oxygen and who have had pneumonia. I noticed that his doctor, Dr. Conley, was a little evasive and said that his CT and x-ray findings were what was expected, so I'm assuming that they're not normal..."
Meanwhile, the President has suspended talks with Congress on a new economic stimulus package until after the November election, which he claimed in the same tweet, that he will win.
The latest CNN poll, however, suggests he is now 16 points behind his Democratic challenger Joe Biden.
Han Seong-woo, Arirang News.