Head of White House security office is gravely ill with coronavirus - News Today

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The head of the White House security office is seriously ill with COVID-19 and has been in hospital since September, according to reports.Crede Bailey, who is in charge of issuing security credentials to the building and liaising with the Secret Service on the compound, fell ill before the September 26 Rose Garden 'super spreader event', Bloomberg reported on Wednesday.The White House has not disclosed Bailey's illness, which was confirmed to Bloomberg by four sources.On Wednesday night it was confirmed that the Marine Corps' second-highest-ranking officer has tested positive.Gen. Gary L. Thomas, the 58-year-old assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, had been in self-quarantine since Tuesday 'out of an abundance of caution' after being notified he had recently been in contact with someone who later tested positive, a statement from the service said. If Bailey's diagnosis is confirmed, it means that at least 34 people in Donald Trump's orbit are now known to have become infected, according to a leaked FEMA tally. Hope Hicks, counselor to the president, was the first to have her positive diagnosis confirmed, again reported by Bloomberg rather than being announced by the White House.Since then the president and first lady; Kellyanne Conway and her daughter; Trump's speechwriter Stephen Miller; campaign manager Bill Stepien; debate adviser Chris Christie; and press secretary Kayleigh McEnany have all tested positive. Share this article Share Bailey, a career federal employee who has seldom appeared in the news, was swept up in a controversy last year over security clearances granted to Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, and son-in-law Jared Kushner. Bailey privately testified to the House Oversight Committee that he didn't face pressure from others at the White House to grant clearances, according to a report by The Hill. TRUMP'S INNER CIRCLE WHO HAVE TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVIDWEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1 Ronna McDaniel, 47. Chair of the Republican National Convention McDaniel is thought to have been the first positive case. It was not made public until after Trump's diagnosis. She was last in contact with Trump on September 25. McDaniel began isolating on September 26 when a member of her family tested positive. She got her results several days later. THURSDAY OCTOBER 2Hope Hicks, 31, Counselor to the President Hicks was the first case reported and was tied to the President's positive test. She flew with him through the week before he was diagnosed and started feeling unwell on her way back from a rally in Minnesota on Wednesday night. She quarantined on Air Force One to stay away from him. President Donald Trump, 74 Confirmed positive diagnosis on Friday October
