Akhenaten the Venusian Alien Pharaoh

  • 4 years ago
Robert Charroux, a great French prehistorian, who spent decades all over the world studying the subject of the Venusian alien species, ancient writings, and recounted the ancient Venusian Aliens on Earth and their intervention with human evolution here below, in six literary volumes that are in fact so repressed that they are not available in the United States, in bookstores, or by order.

In Asian national libraries there are also many ancient stories, up to 4000 years in the past, which explain in detail the Venusian Alien ships, their pilots, their missions on Earth, interventions in Earth affairs and the involvement in ancient interplanetary wars, the fighting of which continued on Earth. Some of these writings explain the method of propelling these alien vessels with a lot of technological detail, which seemed like legends until recent scientific discoveries that proved this science to be accurate.
