Acidity or GERD Home remedies in malayalam

  • 4 years ago
• Many of us suffering from burning sensation, sourness in mouth, and discomfort in heart region or chest and also in throat soon after the food or after one hour. This is nothing but acidity/ Gerd that means gastroesophageal reflux disease. In which gastro means stomach, oesophagus means our food pipe and reflux mean back flow or return. So Gerd is the condition in which the food and acids produced for digestion will return to the oesophagus from stomach. This is mainly due to the weakness of a sphincter present at the end of oesophagus which opens to stomach. Once the food enters the stomach it automatically close. Its weakness is the one reason for this.
• Obesity, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, asthma are another reasons for Gerd.
In pregnancy period Gerd is quite common due the actions of certain hormones.
• According to ayurveda, this condition can be correlated to amlapitta which is caused by excessive intake of sour and spicy food. This will leads to increasing of pitta dosha in the body there by the amlatva i.e., the acidic nature if the body. This condition is amlapitta.
• Home remedies
1. The best remedy is try to do upavasa (fasting) once in a week of half day. But make sure you are not doing excessively. Always keep body hydrated. Better to drink water and wat light fruits that gives coldness to body during fasting.
2. 2 – 3 cardamon are crushed and added to 250 ml of water and boil well. Filter it and drink this warmly.
3. 5-6 tulsi leaves are crushed and add 250 ml of water and keep boiling for 10 to 15 minutes. Filter it and drink.
4. Otherwise we can chew 5 to 6 tulsi leaves after food also.
5. Next one we are using occasionally that is two spoons of ginger juice and two spoons of lemon juice is mixed along with little honey and take this two or three times a day is good for Gerd.
6. The very best drug that gives coolness to her body is fenugreek. Two or three Spoons of fenugreek are soaks overnight and drink that water in the empty stomach next day morning.
7. Another drug that gives coolness is mint leaves. Few fresh Leaves of Mint leaves all crushed and boil along with water.
8. Many are using fennel seeds for acidity, gastritis and digestion related problem. For better results fennel seeds are fried slightly and add required water into this and further boil it. Filter this and drink warm.
9. It is good to take food with little ghee.
