Oct 15,2020 The ABC and Paul Barry twists the facts to 'suit its ideology' - Bolt

  • 4 years ago
The ABC’s Paul Barry is one of the worst "offenders" in burying the efficacy of HCQ to save lives.
As such you could say Paul Barry is directly contributing to the continued obstruction of Medication to the Australian people, a medication that is showing efficacy in literally scores of Papers and studies around the world.

Shame on you Paul Barry - perhaps you can start preparing what you would like to say to the relatives of Covid19 victims that did not even get to try HCQ in part due to your efforts.

People like Paul Barry can easily be outed for the flaws in their "arguments" and the tactics they will use not to address Truths.
You will find on and posted Video with Paul Barry that the comments section is turned off; with good reason - Paul knows that anyone who sees through his political narrative and agenda will find him Culpable for his dangerous assertions that lead to the obstruction of Medications to the Australian public.

The worst part of it all is that Paul Barry is on the ABC which is funded by the Australian peoples taxes.
And even more ironic even satirical is that HIS show is called Media Watch!!!

Those responsible for taking advantage of the Covid19 Crisis and those responsible for "Measures" in the name of Covid19 that result in deadly or devastating consequences - watch your backs for a long time - just like war criminals - teams of lawyers are preparing cases to demonstrate your culpability and seek reparations for as long as it takes to bring about justice.
Perhaps Paul Barry you will be on that list.

One of the "Measures" in Australia is the continued obstructing of Australian Doctors from prescribing HCQ to treat COvid19 high risk stratified patients in absolutely ANY protocol.

Key People involved in the Australian Obstruction are
Associate Professor Julian Elliot - Heading the The Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

Adjunct Professor John Skerritt "having direct responsibility for both the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Office of Drug Control"
see: https://www.tga.gov.au/prof-john-skerritt

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ
Please then post it to your facebook from the petition page


