[Read] The Proverbs 31 Police Wife For Kindle

  • 4 years ago
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future." Be honest: does that sound like you? If not, you aren't alone. Being married to a police officer is not easy, especially in today's world. Everything about your future can feel extremely uncertain, and not just when it comes to your officer's safety. Stress caused by facing unexpected day-to-day issues while tackling solo parenting, unpredictable shifts, and general loneliness tends to wear on you after a while.This makes emulating the traits of the Proverbs 31 wife even more important for police wives. Striving to be more like the woman described in these verses will help you increase your faith, find more peace, reduce overwhelm, and generally live a happier and more fulfilling life, no matter what troubles come your way.This devotional will help you develop those traits by teaching you how to team up with God in every aspect of your police wife life.
