Pope Francis calls for civil union law for same-sex couples

  • 4 years ago
교황 "동성 커플 법적 보호받아야"...동성결합법 첫 공개 지지

For the first time, Pope Francis is calling for a civil union law to protect same-sex couples.
He made the historic remarks in a new documentary "Francesco," ...which premiered Wednesday at the Rome Film Festival.
The Pope said quote, "Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They're children of God and have a right to a family."
He added that nobody should be thrown out and that requires a civil union law.
Pope Francis, believed to be the first pope to use the word gay publicly,... becomes the first head of the Catholic Church to endorse same-sex civil unions.
His remarks have prompted praise from liberals, but conservatives are demanding urgent clarification.


