• 5 years ago
Looking and Sounding Better, Dr Peter McCullough walks us through the Treatment Protocol that he has applied.
A few extra notes:
Dr McCullough would have taken HCQ from day one but for the logistics of getting the HCQ but reports that as soon as he had it he felt an almost immediate relief.

His participation in the Colcorona trial is part of his general thinking that where possible its a good thing to participate in ONE clinical trial; Note these Clinical Trials define the base line of "Standard Care" without their medication as any available medication. Being randomized trials other Standard care medications do not skew the results.

Its time to look at the evidence of how to treat the illness before being condemned to the hopeless options of "run and hide" and "only come out when you’re bad enough to go to Hospital".
Dr McCollough seriously doubts with his risk profile that he would have done well having done nothing.

To all the Doctors that are true Doctors at heart; this is your calling, there is no greater time in your lifetime that you can put your training, skills and your Hippocratic Oath to work.

Download the Peer Reviewed Outpatient Protocol That you can do NOW
Here's the link: http://tribeqr.com/v/covid19gpmappdf

If you have any doubts (Scientific) as to the efficacy of the Antivirals in this protocol
see: https://c19study.com/ and https://hcqmeta.com

***100% of early treatment studies have found HCQ has positive results for covid patients***
The probability that ANY ineffective treatment generates the POSITIVE results that the 126 papers on HCQ studies have yielded was (as of Oct29 2020) estimated to be 1 in 69 million.
Don't despair if your Government has tied your hands on HCQ, the above protocol has an Antiviral that they have not banned yet ; Ivermectin

Let your regular patients know there is a stage of treatment before the dreaded Hospital stage and that YOU will likely be able to help them should they need it. Let them know that the advice to stay home for ANY illness until your symptoms worsen to a Hospital stage is NEVER the right thing to do; no matter what Politician, Journalist or Social Media Platform tries to tell them otherwise.

We are putting all the real Doctors, Experts and Science into one Central Website where you can explore information that has not been disseminated properly and even in some cases removed or censored by those who have "less than pure" intentions.

Look out for the Covid Medical Networks’ online resource @ www.CMNnews.org

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ


