Vocal for Local: NDRF inducts indigenous dog breeds for rescue operations

  • 4 years ago
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has now started to train dogs of indigenous breeds as part of the force's dog squad, in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘vocal for local’ initiative. Three dogs of indigenous breeds have been trained so far to aid the force in rescue efforts in disasters and calamities. Speaking to ANI, Commandant of 8th Battalion in NDRF (Ghaziabad), PK Tiwary said, “The detection and operational ability of our Indian breeds are no less than any foreign breed. All it requires is a little patience to handle them. Indian dogs have more vigour and agility. Earlier, we used to train foreign dogs. Now we have started to train Indian breeds as well.” “PM had advocated for 'vocal for local'. It is a genuine initiative under which we began training Indian breed dogs. Initially, we faced a lot of difficulties and some of those dogs even ran away. But we have trained some of them. So far, we have inducted three dogs in our squad,” he added. Earlier in August, PM Modi had urged citizens to bring dogs of the Indian breed home if they were planning to adopt a canine. “I have been told that Indian breed dogs are very good and competent. The cost of their upkeep is also quite less and they are also accustomed to the Indian conditions. When self-reliant India is becoming the mantra of masses, then no area should be left behind,” PM had said during his monthly ‘Mann Ki Baat’.”