Nishabdham film is directed by Hemant Madhukar. The film stars Anushka Shetty, Madhavan and Anjali, while Michael Madsen, Subbaraju, Shalini Pandey and Srinivas Avasarala play supporting roles. It was shot simultaneously in Telugu, Tamil, and English, with the latter versions titled Silence. The film is released in Telugu and Tamil along with a dubbed Malayalam version through Amazon Prime Video on 2 October 2020
Reporter & Host - Krishna ,Edit - Shreeraj
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - http://bit.ly/2reO1md
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6
Nishabdham film is directed by Hemant Madhukar. The film stars Anushka Shetty, Madhavan and Anjali, while Michael Madsen, Subbaraju, Shalini Pandey and Srinivas Avasarala play supporting roles. It was shot simultaneously in Telugu, Tamil, and English, with the latter versions titled Silence. The film is released in Telugu and Tamil along with a dubbed Malayalam version through Amazon Prime Video on 2 October 2020
Reporter & Host - Krishna ,Edit - Shreeraj
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - http://bit.ly/2reO1md
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6