Legends of Olonkho Land Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A long, long time ago, in far, far Yakutia, courageous warriors go to the Lower World to save the beautiful Aikuo. What obstacles will our heroes face? Who is true –humans or demons? This time, things may turn out differently from the ancient legends. Anything is possible, because the boundless North is as unpredictable and mysterious as it is cold and harsh.
GENRE: fantasy, history, adventure
Languages: Sakha, Mongol
Сast: Daiyyna Borisova Prokopiy Danilov Baybal Kolesov
Tuguldur Munkhbayar Baljinnyam Ariunkhishig Dmitry Alekseev
Spartak Larionov Pavel Chenyanov Vyacheslav Lavernov Gavril Menkyarov etc.
GENRE: fantasy, history, adventure
Languages: Sakha, Mongol
Сast: Daiyyna Borisova Prokopiy Danilov Baybal Kolesov
Tuguldur Munkhbayar Baljinnyam Ariunkhishig Dmitry Alekseev
Spartak Larionov Pavel Chenyanov Vyacheslav Lavernov Gavril Menkyarov etc.
Short film