Biden speaks to world leaders as he kicks off transition process

  • 4 years ago
전세계 향한 바이든의 일성…정상 통화서 "미국이 돌아왔다"

Presumptive U.S. President-elect Joe Biden says his team is in the process of taking over the reins of the White House come January 2021... despite the legal disputes raging in some key swing states.
Kim Do-yeon reports.
With the current election results having Joe Biden as the U.S. President-elect, world leaders have been congratulating him and acknowledging him as the winner.
And Biden had a special message for them as well.
"Well, first of all, I'm letting them know that America is back. We're going to be back in the game. It's not America alone, number one. I've had the opportunity to speak with now six world leaders. And and the response has been very fulsome, energetic."
The six leaders he mentioned by name included British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Angela Merkel of Germany.
However, the well-wishes from world leaders come as President Trump refuses to concede.
Despite that, Biden says there's nothing that will stop his team preparing for the job ahead.
"We've announced yesterday as you know the health group we put together, today, we're going to be going moving along in a, in a consistent manner, putting together our administration, the White House, and reviewing who we're going to pick for cabinet positions. And nothing's going to stop that."
Asked whether he'd like to speak to President Trump, Biden said he was waiting for a conversation with the current president.
He added he currently does not see the need to take legal action to force the Trump administration to accept defeat.
A Biden staffer said the team is still waiting for General Services Services Administration to ascertain the winner.
Such an acknowledgement from the federal agency would provide the Biden team with classified information needed to prepare for the transition, but due to the ongoing legal disputes, the office has yet to announce its verdict.
Kim Do-yeon, Arirang News.


