Happiness in bloom at Colombia flower competition

  • 4 years ago
콜롬비아의 화려한 꽃장식 경연대회, 코로나에도 활짝 핀 60년 전통

The small town of Santa Elena in Colombia annually celebrates the art of floristry....
in which people show off their ornate, elaborate floral arrangements,... or the so-called "silletas".
This year, many of the arrangements sought to cheer the country and the world amid COVID-19.
"I wanted to bring a beautiful message to Colombia: don't lose hope, faith, and the meaning of the world happiness. So the phrase is: "Cheer up Colombia, let's not lose happiness."
The "silletas" competition has been maintained for more than 60 years for locals who have been dedicated to flower production for generations.
The tradition has now evolved into one of Colombia's key cultural events.
