• 4 years ago
PCEX Member app is designed for traders of all levels. From beginners to seasoned traders, anyone can use our app to buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies in different markets seamlessly. Designed and developed using the best tools and techniques available, our trading app comes with a lot of features that will help you trade like a pro on the go.

Some of the features include but not limited to just instant price alerts, advanced price & volume charts, easy order placement, smart market swaps, and separate wallets. The platform is very easy to understand. New users can easily create an account and start trading in all mainstream cryptocurrencies by simply completing their KYC process. Moreover, they can deposit INR into their wallet using varying modes of payment offered by the platform.

The users can also easily swap the market to perform trading either in the spot or futures market. If you want to take the best benefits of both the market, you can download the app by clicking the given link below.

