About For Books Mr. Bossy Devil For Kindle

  • 4 years ago
Operation ex-stepsister seductionI know how it sounds.And no, I'm not backing off.There was a time when we were more best friends than siblings,Until the great fall-out between our parents.I always wondered how she was doing.But I never looked her up.I was too busy making billions.So, imagine my absolute shock,When she comes blazing right into my board meeting,Legs a mile long, curves by the millions,And absolutely ready to take me down a couple of pegs.But wait. Because what the freaking hell happened to the nerdy kid I remember?Since when did she have a need for a D-Cup, for god's sake?!And why am I ready to fire all my executives for also staring at said cup area?I know I should probably be way more concerned about why she is looking at me like I am the devil incarnate.But this devil is busy formulating other plans.Plans which include his ex-stepsister.Because this devil wants her.And what the devil wants, the devil always gets.
