S. Korea considering stricter social distancing amid spike in COVID-19 cases

  • 4 years ago
국내 코로나 208명 확진, 이틀째 200명대 증가세 지속

South Korea on Sunday reported 208 new cases of COVID-19.
This weekend the number has been over 200 for the first time in two months.
The daily average in Seoul is getting close to the threshold where the government would have to raise the level of social distancing.
Our Kim Yeon-seung has the latest.
For a second day in a row, South Korea has seen more than 200 cases.
There were 208 new cases on Sunday, 176 of which were domestic, and there was a notable rise in regions other than the capital.
The greater Seoul area saw 109 new cases, while Gangwon-do Province reported 19.
Prime Minister Chung Se-kyun said the health authorities are looking seriously at raising the social distancing measures to level 1-point-5 should the numbers not go down.
When the South Korean government first announced the new 5-tier social distancing measures,... they said the distancing level would be raised if the capital region's daily average over the course of a week tops 100, or if the average in Gangwon-do Province rises to more than ten.
The capital is now at 83 cases, and Gangwon-do Province this week is at almost 11.
The rise is cases is of particular concern now because the nationwide college entrance exam is less than three weeks away on December 3rd.
Hundreds of thousands of high school seniors will be taking it, which presents the risk of more cluster infections.
"The two weeks preceding the college entrance exam will be a special prevention period. The best thing we can do for the 490-thousand students is to ensure a safe environment by minimizing the risk of infection and the need to quarantine."
During this period, the health authorities will concentrate on preventing infections at places frequented by students like cram schools and study cafes.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News.


