Full version Layman's Guide to Irish Law: The Law of Tort For Online

  • 4 years ago
Legal writing in plain English. Law guides using plain English which is easy to understand using clear concise plain wording. Welcome to my series of law guides for beginners. There are many legal phrases that non-lawyers don't understand. When you first start studying law the terminology (wording) or principles (rules) can be overwhelming, I have been teaching law for over 7 years and in that time I have taught mainly beginner or entry level students who have had some difficulty in the early stages of study and even faltering due to this whole new language which is the law, this textbook series was put together to help you to put the principles and terminology in plain English (ride with stabilisers) until such time as you are ready to revert to the terminology in the knowledge that you are more confident and knowledgeable and ready to ride that bike without stabilisersThe explanations in this guide are not intended to be alternatives to legal terminology, rather a head start on the legal jargon, the reader will continue to use legal phrases when necessary.The Law of TortA tort is a civil wrong, tort is a French word for wrong, or the Latin word (tortum or twisted), a tort occurs when a person commits a civil wrong against another person causing them damage. Tortfeasor is the person who commits the tort. Under tort law, an injured party can bring a civil case to seek compensation for a wrong done to the party or the party's property.Simply put, the law of tort is a branch of law which helps people to make a claim for compensation "usually a money payment" from another person who hurts them or their property. For instance, when one driver hurts another driver because he or she was not paying attention "negligent", the driver who caused the hurt "defendant" may have committed a tort. If a person "plaintiff" is hurt by another person "defendant" they may be able to sue them "civil litigation" and get compensation "usually money". Most torts are accidents, like car accidents or slippery floors where people can fall down and get hurt. But some torts are done on purpose. These are called intentional torts. For example, if one person punches another person, this could be an intentional tort called battery.Most torts cause physical harm to people, however, some torts cause damage to property, like a broken window "trespass to property". Some torts can harm other things, like someone's reputation or a business. "defamation".
