About For Books Reinsurance Arbitration Basics with a Glossary of Reinsurance Terms: A Brief

  • 4 years ago
Arbitration is any adjudicatory procedure in which a disinterested third party (or panel) hears arguments and reviews evidence provided by the disputants regarding the dispute between them. The arbitrator (or panel) then renders a final, binding decision, which is not subject to court approval or appeal. This publication provides a brief introduction to reinsurance arbitration and is intended only as a general reference tool. While the publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered, it does not constitute a legal consultation or legal opinion, nor should it be construed as endorsing any arbitration process or organization or advocating specific contract clauses or wording. No decision should be made solely on the basis of the summary information addressed herein. Instead, readers should consult the original source documents cited and/or contact legal counsel. Find more information on reinsurance and reinsurers at www.reinsurance.org .
