Ice Bucket Challenge Co-Creator Dead at 37

  • 4 years ago
Ice Bucket
Challenge Co-Creator, Dead at 37 .
Patrick Quinn died on Sunday
after a seven-year battle with the
disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Quinn co-created The Ice Bucket Challenge
with Pete Frates, who also has ALS.
It consisted of posting videos to social media of
a person dumping a bucket of ice water on themselves.
That person would then nominate
others to take the challenge.
It went viral in 2014, and was responsible for raising more than $220 million in the fight against ALS.
Participants in The Ice Bucket Challenge included movie stars, famous athletes and well-known politicians.
Pat fought ALS with positivity and bravery and inspired all around him, ALS Association, via NPR News .
Those of us who knew him are devastated but grateful for all he did to advance the fight against ALS, ALS Association, via NPR News
