Media Asing Soroti Habib Rizieq Shihab dan Nikita Mirzani

  • 4 tahun yang lalu
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV Media Hong Kong, South China Morning Post (SCMP) menyoroti artis Nikita Mirzani yang melawan Habib Rizieq atas pelanggaran aturan Covid-19.

SCMP memberikan artikel tersebut berjudul "Indonesian soap star Nikita takes on firebrand cleric Rizieq over Covid-19 rule flouting" yang diterbitkan pada 21 November 2020.

Dalam tulisannya, SCMP menyebut Pimpinan FPI Rizieq Shihab memimpin pertemuan massa pengikutnya dengan mengabaikan protokol kesehatan.

"Perhaps most concerning, Rizieq, the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front, has presided over meetings of tens of thousands of his followers, ignoring health protocols in a country where there has been more than 488,000 infections and over 15,600 deaths," tulis SCMP.

Nikita Mirzani juga disebut membuat pengikut Rizieq Shihab marah dan mengancamnya mengirimkan 800 orang mengepung ke rumahnya.

"In the face of government inaction against Rizieqs mass gatherings, the soap opera star Nikita Mirzani, who is known for ignoring another kind of protocol in Indonesia dressing modestly boldly criticised him, angering his supporters, who threatened to send 800 people to raid her home over the weekend."
