About For Books One Mighty and Irresistible Tide: The Epic Struggle Over American Immigration,

  • 4 years ago
The idea of the United States as a nation of immigrants has been at the core of the American narrative. But in 1924, Congress instituted a law that choked off large-scale immigration for decades, sharply curtailing arrivals from southern and eastern Europe and outright banning those from Asia.In a riveting narrative with a fascinating cast of characters, from the indefatigable congressman Emanuel Celler and senator Philip Hart to the bull-headed Nevada senator Pat McCarran, Jia Lynn Yang recounts how lawmakers, activists, and presidents from FDR through LBJ, worked relentlessly for the next forty years?through a world war, a global refugee crisis, and McCarthyist fever?to abolish the 1924 law. The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, one of the most transformative laws in the country?s history, ended the system of racial biases and opened the door to nonwhite migration at levels never seen before?changing America in ways that those who debated it could hardly have imagined.
