EU 'front-line' states want clearer migration rules. Spain, Italy, Greece and Malta join forces

  • 4 years ago
Open war against the migratory pact just a few days after Germany, which holds the six-month presidency of the European Union, tries to close a principle of agreement. #islam #terror #terrorists #TerrorAttack #Austria #ViennaAttack #vienna #EU #europe #EuropeanUnion #european #FRONTEX
Spain, Italy, Greece and Malta, the so-called front-line countries before the arrival of immigrants to southern Europe, have presented this Wednesday a document that frontally rejects one by one the main points of the agreement proposed by the European Commission at the end of September. The text, endorsed by a letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel from the four presidents of these countries, considers the migratory pact not only insufficient to guarantee a shared responsibility in the management of irregular migration flows, but also counterproductive for countries that, Due to a mere geographical issue, they are the most affected by number of arrivals.

The Commission proposal establishes roughly a framework of mandatory solidarity between countries on immigration matters, but with several options to channel support: relocate migrants, logistically support countries with more migratory pressure or manage and finance expulsions.

The letter and the document signed by the four southern European countries have been made public within the framework of the Hispano-Italian summit held in Palma de Mallorca between the Spanish President, Pedro Sánchez, and the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, accompanied by a twenty ministers from the two countries. Spain and Italy join forces in all European fields and this is one of the most relevant.

After years of tension between the two countries – with Matteo Salvini as Italian Minister of the Interior blocking the arrival of ships, while Spain picked up some of these vessels – Sánchez and Conte now maintain a strong harmony after the departure of the leader of the Government League Italian. Both countries are pushing to completely change the immigration pact, although in the text sent to Berlin they admit that it will not be easy. The opposition of the toughest countries predicts many difficulties to this agreement that Chancellor Merkel wants to promote.

The four presidents of the Government – along with Sánchez and Conte, the Greek Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and the Maltese Robert Abela – warn that the Commission's proposal would lead to the creation of large detention centers for migrants and asylum seekers at border points . And that consequence, they warn, "is unacceptable." The phenomenon has already manifested itself in Greece (the island of Lesbos), Italy (the island of Lampedusa) and, in recent weeks, in the Canary Islands, places that, due to their insular condition, have become the geographical cage of thousands of migrants.


