• 5 years ago
By now, it should be abundantly clear that the global political response to SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 is extremely disproportionate to the virus itself. By many orders of magnitude. After all, people below the age of 70 years have an inferred infection fatality rate of just 0.05%.

It is also abundantly clear that governments and mainstream media have been, and still are, misrepresenting the risk.

We also have other peculiarities, for example apparent global coordination beyond disproportionate responses and unfounded media hysteria. For example the "Build Back Better" slogan appearing simultaneously across countries and aggressive censorship by Big Tech of lawful content that challenges the narratives, or presents alternative narratives.

It is unquestionable at this point that very powerful transnational actors are fanning the flames, attempting to leverage the crisis for their own agendas. They are possibly pulling government strings.

With a view to starting to piece together who these actors are, and in the process make sense of the increasing craziness we're living in, I think we need to add the "technocracy" jigsaw piece to the board.

The above video comprises three short clips from an interview five years ago with Technocracy Rising author Patrick Wood. I hope that by producing such short videos with pertinent clips, along with an easy to read transcript, that we can all better figure out what's going on.

READ MORE, https://dryburgh.com/patrick-wood-technocracy-system-is-the-controller/

LIBRY, https://open.lbry.com/@Dryburgh:7/Patrick-Wood_-Technocracy-Rising-Interview-(Part-2-of-3)_EDITED:6?r=9sSJgFzJnS1qtSRUyopf1tCLghVN6fvm

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