Samsung Electronics appoints chiefs of its major businesses as it looks to future

  • 4 years ago
50대 '젊은피' 사장단…삼성전자 반도체 주요 사업부장 교체

Samsung Electronics has appointed new senior executives at its main businesses,... including memory chips and digital appliances.
Analysts say the company is naming a new generation of leaders aged 60 or younger in the hope of boosting its competitiveness and innovation.
A bigger reshuffle is expected at some point in the future... when it replaces the company's late chairman, Lee Kun-hee.
Eum Ji-young has the details.
Samsung Electronics announced a small reshuffle on Wednesday of its main businesses,... naming executives who are on the young side for a South Korean company, all of them 60 years old or younger.
The company said that with the next generation of leaders, it aims to strengthen its technological competitiveness and expand its presence in new markets.
To head the company's memory business, Samsung has promoted the leader of its DRAM product and technology unit Lee Jung-bae, who is 53 years old.
( 1) And heading the foundry business will be the former president of Samsung's memory manufacturing technology center Choi Si-young,... aged 56.
( 2) Taking charge of digital appliances... will be Lee Jae-seung who is 60 years old and was promoted from within the appliance business.
Analysts see this as part of a generational shift as Samsung looks to a younger generation of leaders who could spur more innovation in its core businesses.
"Samsung Electronics is working to expand its system semiconductor and customized home appliance business. And in order to do that, it seems like they have appointed younger executives who'll be more driven."
Samsung did not change the CEOs of its three main business units nor did it appoint a new chairman to replace Lee Kun-hee, who died in October.
Its de facto leader is still the late chairman's son, Lee Jae-yong, who is Samsung Electronics' vice chairman.
Rather, Wednesday's reshuffle is seen as a way for the company to maintain stability... with Lee Jae-yong facing two separate criminal trials for bribery... that could put him in jail for a second time.
"There could be a bigger reshuffle of the top executives after the trials are over, and this could include the heir apparent Lee Jae-yong rising to fill the vacant chairmanship."
He added that it is expected to happen before the end of this year.
Eum Ji-young, Arirang News.