Full version Hire The Right Virtual Assistant: How the Right VA Will Make Your Life Easier,

  • 4 years ago

Why are you doing EVERYTHING yourself?What would you do if you had even one more hour a day devoted solely to growing your business and making more money? I wrote this second edition to share the most frequently asked questions and answers with you. I will walk you through my own proven step-by-step process for matching clients with the right virtual assistant ? the VA who will have the most immediate impact on your business and allow you to recoup your investment quickly.As one of the leading experts in the field, I?ve been featured in Woman?s World, CareerBuilder, Spark Hire, Thinkific, and The Muse. More importantly, I have a background in being an executive assistant, a virtual assistant, a virtual assistant matchmaker (which most others in the field cannot boast), and an entrepreneur. After reading this book, you will earn your time back while your business is propelled forward. Instead of worrying if you are hiring the right VA, you?ll be confident that you know what type of VA to hire, the market value of that particular VA, how to write the job description to attract the right VA, how to interview potential VAs, how a good VA should perform, how to determine if you are that VA?s ideal client, and which red flags you should be aware of every step of the way. I?ll give you the same road map I use with my own clients so you can negotiate the best deal and contract for you and the VA. I?ll also explain how to properly onboard your virtual assistant. If this is your second time reading my book, I promise you won?t regret it. You?ll walk away with even more than you did the first time!As an added bonus, I created The PVA Interactive Hiring Workbook? which you can download to help you organize all of the instructions, best practices, notes, and information you need for every step of the way! After matching hundreds of clients to virtual assistants over the years, consulting with just as many, and teaching and training new and current VAs, I know how to match clients with the right VA. And my proven method of matching ? based on communication strategy and ideal client fit ? works every time!I promise my step-by-step process will work for you as well. You will no longer dread the process, worry you?re doing it wrong, or wonder if the VA is really qualified. You will feel like an expert VA matchmaker when you are done reading this book because you will have learned everything you need to hire the right virtual assistant.Start reading this book now, and I?ll save you time, money, and energy. Don?t let days turn into weeks or weeks into months. When you?re done reading this book, you won?t suffer from analysis paralysis. Instead, you?ll have a helpful Interactive Hiring Workbook? and answers to the questions you didn?t even know to ask. You?ll feel like I am personally matching you with the right VA as I take you through the process, step-by-step.Not all virtual assistants are created equal, and you deserve not only the right VA but the best, a VA who started his or her business to serve someone exactly like you. My business is to serve clients and match them to the right VA. My first role as an assistant is always to serve. Because you can?t do it all yourself, this book is my way of serving and assisting you!Get your copy today!
